
Using devices such as Jawbone Up, Nike FuelBand and Fitbit, it is now possible to collect a large amount of data about personal activity relatively inexpensively. These types of devices are part of the quantified self movement – a group of enthusiasts who take measurements about themselves regularly to improve their health, find patterns in their behavior or because they are tech geeks. One thing that people regularly do is quantify how much of a particular activity they do, but they rarely quantify how well they do it. For this project, we used accelerometer data collected on six participants who were asked to perform barbell lifts correctly and incorrectly in five different ways. Accelerometers were placed on the belt, forearm, arm and dumbbell of each participant. The manner in which each lift was performed was then recorded as follows:

The data for this project comes from: The specific paper on this exercise can be found here. Our goal was to build a model to predict the manner in which the exercises were done.

Executive Summary

The problem at hand is quite clearly a classification problem, in that we wish to build a model that will classify a barbell lift into one of the five categories above. Our main goal was to maximize the accuracy of the predictions. As a result, random forest was selected as the model of choice due to its tendency to provide highly accurate predictions. The model was fit using the randomForest function from the randomForest package in R. Random subsampling was used as the cross validation technique in order to estimate the expected out of sample error. Given the large sample size (~20K), the training data was split into further training and validation sets using a uniform random split where 80% of the original training data was used to build the model and the remaining 20% was used for validation. The misclassification rate of the validation set was found to be 4.78%, and was used to estimate the expected out of sample error. Put more clearly, we would expect the model to accurately predict the barbell lift outcome category at least 95% of the time on similarly collected data in the future.

Data Import and Cleaning

The training data for the project is available at: The paper for this exercise (mentioned above in the background) describes the 17 features that were selected as the most relevant based on a correlation based feature selection algorithm. The dplyr package was used in deriving the subset of these features that were not already present in the data. Two features, avg_roll_belt and var_roll_belt have nearly all missing (NA) values and were subsequently excluded from building the model.

## load necessary package(s)

## download training data
download.file(url = paste("", 
                          sep = ""), 
              destfile = ".//pml-training.csv", 
              method = "curl")

## import training data
trn <- read.csv("./pml-training.csv")

## investigate training data
# dimensions
[1] 19622   160
# outcome variable ("classe")
   A    B    C    D    E 
5580 3797 3422 3216 3607 
## create necessary row-wise functions
tMin <- function(...){min(c(...))}
tMax <- function(...){max(c(...))}
tVar <- function(...){var(c(...))}

## create cleaner data frame with relevant identity fields and features
training <- trn %>% 
    rowwise() %>% 
    mutate(min_accel_belt = tMin(accel_belt_x, accel_belt_y, accel_belt_z), 
           max_accel_belt = tMax(accel_belt_x, accel_belt_y, accel_belt_z), 
           rng_accel_belt = max_accel_belt - min_accel_belt, 
           var_accel_belt = tVar(accel_belt_x, accel_belt_y, accel_belt_z), 
           var_gyros_belt = tVar(gyros_belt_x, gyros_belt_y, gyros_belt_z), 
           var_magnet_belt = tVar(magnet_belt_x, magnet_belt_y, magnet_belt_z), 
           var_accel_arm = tVar(accel_arm_x, accel_arm_y, accel_arm_z), 
           min_magnet_arm = tMin(magnet_arm_x, magnet_arm_y, magnet_arm_z), 
           max_magnet_arm = tMax(magnet_arm_x, magnet_arm_y, magnet_arm_z), 
           max_accel_dumbbell = tMax(accel_dumbbell_x, accel_dumbbell_y, accel_dumbbell_z), 
           var_gyros_dumbbell = tVar(gyros_dumbbell_x, gyros_dumbbell_y, gyros_dumbbell_z), 
           min_magnet_dumbbell = tMin(magnet_dumbbell_x, magnet_dumbbell_y, magnet_dumbbell_z), 
           max_magnet_dumbbell = tMax(magnet_dumbbell_x, magnet_dumbbell_y, magnet_dumbbell_z), 
           min_gyros_forearm = tMin(gyros_forearm_x, gyros_forearm_y, gyros_forearm_z), 
           max_gyros_forearm = tMax(gyros_forearm_x, gyros_forearm_y, gyros_forearm_z)) %>% 
    select(X, user_name, classe, 

## investigate the presence of missing values
                  X           user_name              classe 
                  0                   0                   0 
      avg_roll_belt       var_roll_belt      max_accel_belt 
              19216               19216                   0 
     rng_accel_belt      var_accel_belt      var_gyros_belt 
                  0                   0                   0 
    var_magnet_belt       var_accel_arm      min_magnet_arm 
                  0                   0                   0 
     max_magnet_arm  max_accel_dumbbell  var_gyros_dumbbell 
                  0                   0                   0 
min_magnet_dumbbell max_magnet_dumbbell       pitch_forearm 
                  0                   0                   0 
  min_gyros_forearm   max_gyros_forearm 
                  0                   0 

Random Forest Model

Random subsampling was used to split the training data into further training (80%) and validation (20%) sets for cross validation. A random forest model was then built on the training subset. Using the model, we then predicted the outcome on the validation sample and measured the misclassification rate as the estimate for the out of sample error (4.78%). As an added measure of confidence, we see that the out-of-bag (OOB) error estimate for our model is 4.32%, which is in line with our cross validation estimate and could arguably be used as well due to the stochastic nature of random forests.

## load necessary package(s)

## create logical vector for cross validation split
inTrain <- runif(nrow(training)) <= 0.80

## split into training and validation subsets
t <- training[inTrain, -(c(1:2, 4:5))]
v <- training[!inTrain, -(c(1:2, 4:5))]

## build random forest model and print results
modFit <- randomForest(classe ~ ., data = t, importance = TRUE)

 randomForest(formula = classe ~ ., data = t, importance = TRUE) 
               Type of random forest: classification
                     Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 3

        OOB estimate of  error rate: 4.32%
Confusion matrix:
     A    B    C    D    E class.error
A 4385   28   36   29    5  0.02186036
B   88 2797   90   20   19  0.07199735
C   39   55 2637    8    4  0.03864382
D   37   13  125 2315    9  0.07362945
E    9   25   25   12 2838  0.02440701
## estimate out of sample error by measuring misclassification on validation
1 - sum(predict(modFit, newdata = v) == v$classe)/nrow(v)
[1] 0.04781077
## print the variable importance of the model
imp <- varImp(modFit, type = 2)
imp$Variable <- row.names(imp)
row.names(imp) <- NULL
imp[order(-imp$Overall), 2:1]
              Variable   Overall
13       pitch_forearm 1439.5722
12 max_magnet_dumbbell 1260.7488
11 min_magnet_dumbbell 1227.9004
3       var_accel_belt  966.7706
9   max_accel_dumbbell  950.6573
4       var_gyros_belt  869.8153
2       rng_accel_belt  835.2526
10  var_gyros_dumbbell  803.6837
5      var_magnet_belt  726.0283
6        var_accel_arm  605.0804
7       min_magnet_arm  603.0226
1       max_accel_belt  595.5702
15   max_gyros_forearm  526.5870
8       max_magnet_arm  482.9468
14   min_gyros_forearm  467.8247